Everything Begins With Energy.

What is energy healing?

Energy healing is founded on the idea that our bodies have energy flowing through and around them. Restoring balance to this flow can promote healing.

How does my energy impact my WELL-BEING?

Energy healing has existed for centuries across various cultures globally. While techniques vary, the core principle remains consistent: our physical state and life experiences are informed by the energies in our energy field. Any imbalances or blockages in this field can contribute to emotional struggles, physical ailments, repetitive life patterns, and other undesired circumstances.

How can energy healing help me?

It offers numerous health advantages, such as alleviating pain, enhancing mood, and fostering a sense of harmony and wellness.

Transforming your energetic blueprint is the most effective way to create real and lasting change in any area of your life. 

What is The Science Behind Energy?

Everything in this universe is composed of energy. The molecules within our bodies are in a constant state of vibration, emitting either positive or negative, balanced or unbalanced, open or closed frequencies. When our organs are energetically misaligned and emitting low-vibrational frequencies, they can manifest into physical or emotional ailments. 

who can have energy healing?

Energy healing is accessible to anyone interested and willing to receive it. Like all living creatures, humans possess an energetic body that requires regular balance and care. My work is non-denominational and non-religious. I work from a non-judgmental, grounded, heart-centered position.

Do I Need to Be There in Person?

Certain energy healing practices, such as Reiki, can transcend physical distance, allowing you to receive treatment regardless of location. Therefore, proximity to your energy healer isn't a barrier to experiencing the benefits of energy healing. I would recommend contacting me to talk about the possibility of helping you out at a distance.

what will I experience?

Energy assessment is non-invasive. As blockages are released and the chakras are balanced, this can evoke various emotions or physical sensations, like tiredness, sadness, emptiness, or lightheadedness. This usually occurs when a deeply embedded trauma or attachment is finally released from the physical, emotional, and energetic bodies. It is essential to allow your mind, body, and soul to acknowledge the trauma released during your energy-healing treatment and fill that space with new, light, healing energies.